Personalized analysis

Get advice on the treatment to be implemented

To allow us to analyze your smile and have an initial idea about the treatment to be implemented, reproduce the examples below using your phone or a camera.

    Face photo

    Take a photo of your closed-tooth smile. We need to see all the teeth correctly.

    Analyse personnalisée : Drs Biecq et Payart aux Cabinets Flandres Orthodontie à Lille et Hazebrouck
    Download the photo of your smile from the front *

    Right side photo

    Take a photo of the right side of your smile with closed teeth

    Analyse personnalisée au Cabinet Flandres Orthodontie à Lille (59000)
    Upload the photo of your smile on the right side *

    Left side photo

    Take a photo of the left side of your smile with closed teeth

    Analyse personnalisée au cabinet d'orthodontie Flandres Orthodontie
    Upload the photo of your smile on the left side *

    Lower teeth photo

    Analyse personnalisée : Dr Etienne Payart, orthodontiste à Hazebrouck (59190)
    Upload the photo of your lower teeth *

    Upper teeth photo

    Analyse personnalisée : Docteur Etienne Payart, orthodontiste à Lill et Hazebrouck
    Upload the photo of your upper teeth *